Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Where to Begin?

I laugh as I think about what to write first...there are so many things that we've had to adapt to as one would expect in a new country.  The funniest of these would have to be the pet bats, yes the scooby doo kind.  When we first arrived, Joseph looked out the window expecting exotic birds and he let out little yelp of excitement, "Mom! There are bats!"  Now grant it, they are the little fruit bat kind but still very ugly looking and a reminder of dark caves and spooky things.  Chris went down to the "watchee's" house when we first arrived so that Raphael, the watchee, could show him his soon to be living quarters and Chris said that bats flew out when he opened the door.  That's just pure funny.  I'm imagining my husband ducking and running, funny. 

Roatan, Honduras is paradise; even with the bats.  The "rainy season" has consisted of a couple of rainy hours at night on the first night we were here.  Every other time it's just been sheer heaven.  We have been able to walk down to the beach and snorkel.  The baby, Elias, is still getting used to the sand.  He doesn't understand that it is not to eat.  We go to the local restaurant to eat and all of the kids are playing in the sand at the foot of the table.  So, no we don't blend in just yet. 

Yesterday, was our first full day of school and I have to say, it's easier to get it done with the promise of swimming and snorkeling! 

So many people when hearing about our adventure say "why?" or "you're crazy!"  But, one day here and God has removed all doubt that the devil has planted and we have been free to just enjoy and bask in the wonderful decision that we made to spend more time with our family.  Chris is having a hard time adapting to doing nothing...he has already fixed the ceiling fans, chairs and is in the small town of Coxen Hole as I write buying a barbeque pit and whatever else he can find. 

The architecture here is fabulous...for my architecture friends.  My house has concrete everything!  LOVE IT.  My friends will understand my obsession with concrete.  All countertops are concrete, the bathtub is solid formed concrete...just fabulous!  From the exposed rafters and ceilings to the beachfront exposure layout the architecture is absolutely inspiring! 

Enough talk, I'm going to go sit on the deck and read a book with my feet in the pool until the boys return!

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