Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving, Honduras Style!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving, as you all know, and we were able to celebrate our country's tradition in a foreign land.  The day here started off overcast and then rainy.  However, the sun pulled through at around 2:00 and the beach started swarming with locals.  We grabbed a quick snack at a local restaurant on the beach called Beachers and noticed the people next to us sounded a little too familiar with their y'alls and yeahs.  Turns out that they were from Baton Rouge!  Even crazier than that was the young man at the table next to them wearing a STM shirt...and yes, he was from Lafayette!  Both of the families were on the Norwegian Spirit that passes through along with the other 35 cruise ships that port in Roatan monthly.
Anyway, Thanksgiving was Great!  The day before, we spent celebrating with our church at a pot luck dinner on the beach.  It was an amazing turnout..about 300 people showed up with their favorite dish and there was more food than imaginable!  We have been so blessed to be able to be a part of a wonderful church community here. 

On Thanksgiving, my husband was able to fry two turkeys to add to the other 5 baked or rotisseried turkeys at a restaurant catered dinner.  The restaurant, Bananarama, put on a thanksgiving dinner for all of the American locals and it was delicious!  The kids were able to color Turkey bags and then go on a turkey hunt.  Afterwards they created there own turkeys with their fingerprints to take home. 

We are buying a car today.  We will be the proud owners of a very old Toyota 4-runner.  But it will climb hills and get us to the beach successfully!  It's been a long time since we bought a car without a loan and I can tell you that it feels great be debt free! 

We have to move today or tomorrow to the new house...and it's amazing how many people are so giving here.  We've been here for less than three weeks and we've already made so many friends that are willing to help with whatever we need at the drop of a hat.... It's so hard to describe the feeling.  Overwhelmed with joy, amazement.  With all the trials that we've been dealing with, we are more at home and relaxed than we've ever been.

Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. melissa, you sound great! so happy that y'all are doing well...
