Saturday, November 12, 2011

Our New Neighbors

Raphael and his family moved into their casa on Thursday!  Raphael is the hombre responsible for the property we live on and for our safety while we are here.  It was extremely interesting to watch them move in because they are very resourceful.  He was unhappy with the sidewalk situation; so, he made a new one.  No problemo!  It took Raphael no time to form up and pour himself a new walkway...and as an added bonus he made his dog a permanent concrete water bowl.  So amazing how concrete is the go to for everything here.

A great thing about living here is the fruit!  Even better than that is the fact that they come to your door.  There is nothing like fresh pineapple and bananas!  Negotiating with the fruit lady is definitely an event to look forward to.

We invited Raphael's wife to come cook for us on Friday.  Chris got an authentic Hondurian cooking lesson.  She made rice, beans and vegetables with chicken fried in some sort of tomato sauce.  We also had ensalada with tomatoes and avocados.  As an added bonus, she made boiled bananas with salt...which tastes just like boiled potatoes.


She then came again later (tardes) to show the kids how to make corn tortillas...interesting.   Joseph and Jesse both were able to make one; though not as quickly as she.  Raphael's wife does not speak any English and Raphael speaks very little so this was a very enjoyable event.  Chris believes that speaking English in a Spanish accent is speaking Spanish...very entertaining!

When she came to cook she brought the family which consists of Raphael, and their two daughters, Liliana and Phani. The girls played with Eli and he enjoyed showing them his toys...which is the same in any baby language. 

By the end of our stay here, hopefully we have all learned to communicate with Raphael's wife...or at least be able to pronounce her name.

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